Non-Accredited Application Before completing the below application please read the below forms:Australian & New Zealand Residents onlyVLIBTC Prospectus Fee Schedule Pay your $75 application fee. Surname * Given Names * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Contact Phone Number * Birth Date * Day/Month/Year MM DD YYYY Email * Name of church currently attending * Church Address * What area of your church are you involved in? * Pastor’s Name * Telephone * Email Address * Name of a relative to be contacted in case of an emergency * Name * Mobile/Telephone * Course applying for: * Pre-requisites for Year 2 is satisfactory completion of a Certificate IV level in Christian ministry or studies Certificate of Attendance for Year 1 Christian Ministry Certificate of Attendance for Year 2 Christian Leadership Stream Preference: * Ministry Youth (will require an interview) Influencers (will require an interview) Chaplaincy (will require an interview) Worship (will require an interview) I understand that this means: I will be expected to attend all enrolled classes I will receive a 20% discount on my fees I will not be able to apply for Austudy or Abstudy I will not have to complete any assessments and teachers will not be expected to grade my assessments if I choose to do them I will not receive an accredited Certificate or Diploma but I will receive a certificate of attendance if I attend all classes I will not be able to change from non-accredited to accredited until the next intake of students and only with permission from VLIBTC management after approval of my level of Language and Literacy If I change to accredited study I will need to pay the full fee for all accredited study Victory Life International Bible Training Centre reserves the right to refuse entry should any student not meet the criteria established by VLIBTC or as declared by them in their Application Form. I hereby declare that the information provided in this Application is true and correct. I understand that if any information is found to be false this application may be cancelled. Yes No I have read the Prospectus and the fee schedule and accept the conditions as set out above for acceptance at VLIBTC. * Yes No Thank you for your Application